Monday, September 29, 2014

Thursday, October 2: Bigfoot and the Baby at Books, Inc. Palo Alto

This Thursday, join us at Palo Alto's favorite indie bookstore, Books, Inc., at 7 p.m. I'll be reading and chatting with Tanya Landsberger about cryptozoology, consumerism, and comedy. We'll also have wine and, I believe, a very special ale.

Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Tui Snider said...

Oh, how I wish I lived nearby! I would definitely be there.

I grew up in sasquatch country (WA state) and I remember a kid bringing an actual bigfoot footprint cast to class for show and tell - so cool!

I now live in north Texas, and I was delightfully surprised to learn that "wood ape" sightings are fairly common, especially in the Piney Woods.

I live about 10 minutes from where the Lake Worth Monster was sighted back in the late 60's.

So fascinating! Have fun. :)

~Tui aka @TuiSnider on Twitter dropping by from #WWWblogs, because I try to comment on all the blogs that I RT ... and some weeks I'm much better at that than others! :)